Sophisticated St. Louis

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Finding Balance

"Wellness Where You Are" in our May/June issue shares tips from spa directors around the globe for everything from making your home a haven to DIY body scrubs and hair treatments. In addition to contributing to that feature, our friends at The Resort at PAWS Up (featured in our March/April 2016 issue - link to the story here ), have shared their top five self-care strategies for finding balance in your everyday life:

1) CONNECT WITH THE PEOPLE YOU CARE ABOUT MOST. Call them or set up a time to talk with them online.

2) PLAN EACH DAY WITH INTENTION. When you stick to a (loose) schedule, you’ll feel a sense of accomplishment and normalcy.

3) KEEP MOVING. It's important to stick to your exercise routine, and you don't need a gym to go for a run. Just keep a distance and wear a mask.

4) SLEEP LIKE YOU MEAN IT. Yes, getting regular zzzz’s helps alleviate stress, but there’s more to it than that.

5) ENJOY NATURE. Stanford, Fast Company, The New York Times, and Scientific American have all had their say on this subject.

Read more ideas for wellness at home in our May/June issue by clicking here.