Sophisticated St. Louis

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Sophisticated Travel: Dominican Idyll

Even though temperatures aren't quite dropping yet, the more your interest might rise in planning a much needed vacation. Amanera, a respite in the Dominican Republic, offers the perfect balance between down time and playtime.

“The VIP experience begins soon after disembarking at Puerto Plata, where a pair of attendants greeted us at the end of the jet bridge, whisked us through customs, and into a luxury SUV for the hour-and-a-half drive through areas of seemingly impenetrable jungle dotted with colorful and bustling small towns. Pulling beneath the portico at Casa Grande, the heart of the resort, one can’t help but marvel at the two-story structure perched atop a steep precipice…

Amanera’s remote location, relaxed pace, and accommodating staff make it ideal and easy for Type B’s to find their bliss. However, if you’re more Type A like me, there are plenty of activities to satiate your need for perpetual motion. The vast swatch of beach with deep sand offers an invigorating 1.5-mile round-trip walk from end to end. As we finished our stroll each morning, during which we often didn’t see another soul, an attentive beach attendant was waiting for us with a silver tray laden with chilled lemongrass-scented towels…”

Sound like paradise? Find out more about this tropical escape in “Dominican Idyll”, featured in our November/ December issue:

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