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Sophisticated Littles

Sophisticated Littles

Written By Carrie Edelstein

Photography By Stephanie Cotta


Meet Nora, the little lover that belongs to 5 On Your Side’s Anne Allred. She’s just about to turn 2-years-old, which will be a huge birthday to celebrate. That’s when her “adjusted age” for entering the world three months early catches up to her chronological age. With her huge smile and melt-worthy dimples, it’s hard to believe she weighed under 2 pounds when she was born.


Nora’s “on the set” look was coordinated to match with Mom. Her Florence Eiseman number from The Woman’s Exchange was paired with Old Navy sandals and a Wee Ones bow to match. “Nora is obsessed with scarves, jewelry and makeup. I gave her one of my scarves and she’s been wearing it around the house for months. When I’m putting on makeup for work Nora runs over and insists she stand on my vanity chair so she can reach my makeup bag. She takes out every brush and tries to use them on me. Then, when I get ready to leave for work she makes me bend down so she can inspect my necklace, earrings, bracelets and rings.” We think she should get a paycheck for that kind of styling!


Swim lessons at Little Fishes Swim School are her go to for adventure. Nora also gets a big adrenaline rush when she sees a tall slide at the playground. No fears for this little and just like Mom, she’s a charmer when she meets new people! We are gushing.


Credit Jimmy Fallon for making her fall in love with his bestseller, “Your Baby’s First Word Will Be Dada.” While a verse of “Row, Row, Row Your Boat” will get Nora singing, a chorus of Imagine Dragons gets her dancing! Nora is also an avid magazine “flipper;” she gets excited when she sees pooches, earrings and necklaces.


Mom does FaceTime with Nora to say good night just before reading stories to St. Louisans about to head off to bed. Those St. Louis viewers have been sharing stories since Nora was born and in the NICU. “I was inundated with Facebook messages, letters and phone calls from viewers. My husband and I were so stressed and worried. But most nights we would lie in bed and read the messages from other preemie parents and their children’s success stories. It gave us hope we desperately needed in a dark time. I am forever grateful to those people that took the time to reach out. Many of them also prayed for Nora’s health. It made all the difference. I am one thrilled mommy to report she is thriving!”


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