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Sophisticated Living St. Louis.

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A Letter From the Editor-in-Chief

A Letter From the Editor-in-Chief

I haven’t been this excited for a new year since the turn of the century. Who could forget the preparations the entire world made in anticipation of “Y2K?” I learned to always have two to three days of supplies ready, whether a blackout comes from human error or Mother Nature. I also learned with the turn of a century, in reality, nothing changes from a Friday to a Saturday besides the day of the week and another rotation of our planet– unless you want it to.

When the calendar changes from Tuesday, December 31, 2019 to Wednesday, January 1, 2020, I’m welcoming change. I’m a numbers person, and being married to an ophthalmologist, 20/20 is even more meaningful. So the idea of the perfect number on the calendar seems like a universal challenge that we should all strive to do better, be it in life, and helping others and our Earth, or something we’ve waited for– a home remodel, a job transition, growth in a relationship, or just staying on the same glorious path. For me, I’m cutting distractions. I’ve spent an entire decade now falling victim to sleep deprivation– something I could have managed better once my children were out of the most challenging years of bedtime routines. I’ve overused my cell phone to a point I simply can no longer tolerate for myself. And I’ve neglected my body when I could have just as easily made healthier choices. 

I started thinking about my college years when the extremely talented Ken Stückenschneider invited me into the home of Andy and Lauri Van Slyke to see his latest masterpiece. There was so much I fell in love with about their warm story. Mainly, there’s nothing sweeter than walking into a blessed and happy home. Lauri shared how they always wanted to downsize from a custom-built sprawling home once their four sons were settled into their own lives, into a smaller, older house, full of charm. The space is truly as magical as their love story­– they were high school sweethearts who both fell for St. Louis after leaving their roots in Utica, NY. That’s what sent my mind spinning into memories of nearby Syracuse University. We laughed about St. Louis weather, agreeing 2-3 inches of snow is treated like a blizzard here, while it’s considered more like little flurries in upstate New York. Andy said it’s no wonder he enjoys submerging himself in the cold­– so much so that he loved the idea of Stückenschneider installing a “cold plunge” showerhead in the master bath, creating a feeling also comparable to his cold tub soaks as an athlete.

After I left our shoot, I thought of getting to know the more charming parts and kind natured residents of upstate New York, having dozens of friends from all over the country, and studying abroad in England. Despite it seeming so far behind, I wouldn’t want to go back now and experience those memories with a cell phone. It might have blurred my vision, distracting from some of the best parts of my life.

Many say it is hindsight that is 20/20. I would be inclined to argue the present and future should be viewed as 20/20. We can’t change yesterday, and although we don’t know what will come tomorrow, how about staying optimistic as we learn, evolve and grow forward?

Here’s to a happy, healthy and prosperous 2020! Whatever your vision is for the new year, I hope it’s pretty close to 20/20.

Carrie Edelstein


A Bespoke Closet

A Bespoke Closet

Film Shot in St. Louis Available Today

Film Shot in St. Louis Available Today