
The official blog that complements our print magazine:

Sophisticated Living St. Louis.

(click above link for full digital version and archived issues)

Thank You For Your Support!

Thank You For Your Support!


In this time of uncertainty, we are even more thankful for the support of our advertisers who want to continue to let our readers know they are up and running! We are working on another luxurious and meaningful issue to come in the next few weeks.

We are also appreciative of each other as a staff as we all are sheltering in place. Our publisher, Craig Kaminer, has stayed in touch with clients and colleagues through Zoom meetings, phone calls and emails. Associate publisher Cortney Vaughn has done a tremendous job working on maintaining advertisers and helping them navigate through this unprecedented time. Our amazing team of photographers and writers are prepared as usual with material ready to go despite postponing shoots right now. And our sister publications and corporate members have been brainstorming about asset sharing and combining resources.

Last but certainly not least, we owe great thanks to our loyal readers who recognize that the need to escape the daily news is more relevant than ever! We are committed to continuing to provide an inside look at the finer things in life- the vacations we know will resume, the house projects that make sheltering in place more enjoyable, and the vibrant culture and arts scene in St. Louis that will return. The food and dining publications in St. Louis have done an amazing job keeping us all informed of restaurants that remain open for delivery and curbside service.

This too shall pass- and while we are waiting day by day for that to happen, feel free to share how you or your business is adapting to life right now. Email me at carrie@slmag.net and let us know how you’re doing! In my own house, we are decluttering, organizing, cooking a lot together, spending time outside and feeling blessed we have a full family with three children and two dogs to keep us busy. My husband’s medical clinics and surgeries are postponed for now which I am so thankful for as we salute all of the healthcare professionals who are out there now working as an army. As a family, we are also especially thankful for the mailman, the UPS and FedEx workers, the trash collectors and the grocery store employees all making sure there is still some normalcy in our lives!

Stay safe, stay healthy and stay home. We are in this together.

Carrie Edelstein


Dominic Michael Salon's Contest

Dominic Michael Salon's Contest

Style Your Fridge Like a Pro!

Style Your Fridge Like a Pro!