
The official blog that complements our print magazine:

Sophisticated Living St. Louis.

(click above link for full digital version and archived issues)

Brush Up on Giving Back with Karen Kalish

Brush Up on Giving Back with Karen Kalish

In the spirit of the holiday season, our Publisher Craig Kaminer sat down with longtime friend Karen Kalish to discuss the importance of being a Sophisticated Giver…

“For years I have known Karen Kalish as a self-proclaimed serial social entrepreneur and quite visible in our community as an activist, a doer, and an outspoken advocate of diversity, equity, and inclusion. Recently I bumped into her at dinner in Clayton and we briefly discussed her history, some current projects, what she wants to do next, and we agreed to meet at her home to share coffee and stories.”

One piece of advice from Kalish? “Never start anything alone. It’s the weakest form of leadership. You need partners, collaborators, mentors, and coaches to be successful.”

Bringing a team oriented mindset to her own nonprofit work, Kalish’s HOME WORKS! The Teacher Home Visit Program organization engages students and families in communities of color. Now, 14 years later, HOME WORKS! has been in 116 schools and trained 2,760 teachers who have made tens of thousands of home visits. “I want all students in the workforce, not the workhouse,” says Kalish. “I want our children to come to school ready to learn, stay on or above grade level, graduate on time, and go on to college or some other post-secondary institution (we need police, firefighters, plumbers, electricians and the military) and graduate ready for a job, a career, or more education”. Kalish is a stickler for results, and more than 90% of the parents, teachers, and administrators feel that HOME WORKS! works.

Feeling inspired? We are, too! Luckily, SL’s yearly Sophisticated Giving issue is almost here. Get your copy for the full scope of the nonprofit scene here in STL and how you can get involved: https://www.sophisticatedstlouis.com/mag/subscribe

"Fifteen Minutes of Fame" with Wendy Cromwell

"Fifteen Minutes of Fame" with Wendy Cromwell

"Smart Moves" with Realtor Julie Lane

"Smart Moves" with Realtor Julie Lane