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Sophisticated Living St. Louis.

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A Note on Giving from Ron Kruszewski

A Note on Giving from Ron Kruszewski

A monetary gift initially, the long term impact of donating to a nonprofit can influence the life of a giver, as well. Sophisticated Giver and sponsor of our Sophisticated Giving issue, CEO of Stifel Bank Ron Kruszewski pens a letter to our readers on the importance of giving, financially and personally…

“Readers of this magazine know the value of planning for the future. Whether you are saving for retirement, planning for your children’s education, or building your career or family business, you know as an investor that “the greatest enemy of a good plan is the dream of a perfect plan.” There is no substitute for acting now.

This time of year, it is worth reflecting that the same rule applies to building your legacy, and to charitable giving as an integral part of it. Grand plans and bold gestures may be inspiring, but what you actually give today has a compounding effect as time goes on - not just in the direct impact of your gift, but in the experience you gain, the relationships you form, and the character you cultivate.

Charities enrich our communities by helping those in need, creating opportunities for the next generation, funding medical breakthroughs, supporting the arts, and much more. There are probably several cause that you hold dear. It might a struggle against a disease that afflicted a loved one. Maybe it’s the college that helped you launch a successful career. Or a group that’s having a positive impact on your neighborhood.

Each of these causes is intrinsically worthy, so when you contribute to your favorite charity, you get the proverbial “warm glow” that comes from helping others…”

Read Ron’s full letter on the impact your gift can make, not only on an organization but on your own life: https://issuu.com/sophisticatedliving/docs/slslcr_2022

Going Beyond Giving: SL's Sophisticated Sponsors

Going Beyond Giving: SL's Sophisticated Sponsors

Being a Giver: Asking the Tough Questions

Being a Giver: Asking the Tough Questions